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and Vermont

Found in Palermo

Inventor Marcello Lampone, a treasure.
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Feathery Chandelier

Milky chandelier in a newly renovated palazzo in Via Maqueda, Palermo.
A chandelier hanging from what used to be a frescoed ceiling in a Via Maqueda palace.
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Marcello Lampone and part of the clock without hands

This is just the bottom decorative part of a 6-foot-tall faceless clock he is making to install in the Provincial office building across the street, the palace where he was born.
Marcello Lampone has invented an electro-mechanical (non-digital) watch and/or clock with no minute- hand nor hour- hand. I cannot imagine how you can tell the time from it. He won't let me see it , or explain it, until it is patented. He is hoping for a sponsor to help him pay for the  Read More 
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Marcello Lampone and fly eye

Fly eyes, having fun.
I can only run one photo per blog post, so I am making lots of blog posts about this guy. He made my day.
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Bangla Sonar, Via Maqueda 258, Palermo, Italy

Two guys from Tunisia and Bangladesh serve bi-national fast food.
The largest foreign population of Palermo are the people from Bangladesh. Every time I walk home from the Teatro Massimo neighborhood, down Via Maqueda to the corner of Via Napoli, I pass this one fast food place, Bangla Sonar, that emits the most delicious aromas of spices unknown to me. It's a clean, well-lit  Read More 
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